My Approach

But then not everyone wants, like or can have hypnosis, so I looked for a really transformative method and I trained in Life Coaching which it's changing my clients perspective.
We are living in a time where everything it's happening so fast paced and we can feel like on a roller-coaster, it is in this times when we need to slow down and breathe. It is desirable to connect with our bodies and emotions to acknowledge them, so meditation and breathing it's a good way of doing that. I teach my clients about the importance of both in their life.
I want my clients to live a life free of painful or hurtful memories, especially those with PTSD can experience that, so Rewind Technique it is helping them to stop those memories visiting them.
My approach it is a holistic one with dedication and care towards my clients, and I always bring in, my life experience and everything I learned from my clients to serve you the best.
My aim is to see people in healthy, harmonious, loving, lasting relationships and this is possible if you healed your wounds, undue subconscious limiting beliefs, you understood your past trauma or unpleasant events, and you don't let them to intervene in your relationships anymore because you're not that version of yourself now.