Hi, I'm Violeta
Rapid Transformational Therapist Practitioner, Relationship and Life Coach, Rewind Technique Practitioner
Hello, my name is Violeta. From a young age, I was a bold and independent individual, unafraid to make decisions and act on them. Throughout my life, I've experienced many changes - moving to different countries, switching careers, and ending a long-term relationship that had no future.
However, somewhere along the way, I lost touch with myself. Despite having a general sense of what I wanted, my soul felt out of alignment - as if I was living the life of a different Violeta. Slowly but surely, depression began to creep in. Thoughts about my life, job, and relationships would often bring me to tears for no apparent reason. It felt like I was playing a role on the stage of my life, and I was exhausted from acting unconsciously.

One lesson I've learned is that when you feel dissatisfied with your life and start asking questions, the answers will come. Synchronicity begins to unfold and everything starts to make sense, even if it comes with tears and heartache. In the end, it pays off when you find yourself.
Shortly after my own breakthrough, I began training and became certified in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) with Marisa Peer, a world-renowned hypnotherapist. This method helped me heal deep wounds from my childhood and past relationships. Later on, I trained and became certified in other techniques and coaching.
I bring all of my professional and personal skills and experience to every client I work with, so they can experience transformative change in their lives.
This version of me - this Violeta - is now doing the things she secretly dreamed of, things she never thought possible. I've always enjoyed helping people and offering free advice, being there to listen and encourage them. But after getting into my first relationship, the ex kept telling me he would open an organization for me to help people for free.
Now I have a purpose: to help people in a professional, deep, and transformative way. It brings me so much joy when someone breathes easier on this planet because of me.
My childhood was tumultuous, with an alcoholic father, domestic abuse, violence, and little to learn about relationships from my parents. I promised myself that this story would never happen to me - that I would never accept such behaviors in my personal relationships - and I didn't. That long-term relationship I had, the period after it ended, finding the man I wanted, and my childhood all led me to my current desire: to see couples living in harmony.
As you can see, I've been there and lived that life. I know the good and the bad, the ugly and the beauty. That's why I help and guide women to heal their wounds, unblock limiting beliefs, and become the best versions of themselves - so they can have harmonious relationships with their partners.
On a personal note, I met the man who is everything I wanted and more. This last September 2024 we got married, our dreams become true! I'm doing what I love, living an active life, taking care of my body with the goal of aging gracefully and moving easily and effortlessly. More than that, I want to lead by example - to be a role model for my future children. Meditation is part of my daily routine; good podcasts are where I go to gain knowledge; I love gardening and reading good books.